Homeschool Graduation Requirements
In most states, homeschoolers cannot legally receive a state-issued diploma. For this reason, homeschool families are free to decide:
- What courses a teen must take;
- How many credits they must complete; and
- If they must perform service learning hours
While parents can define and issue their own homeschool high school diploma, what appears on your child’s high school transcript is what truly matters. If college is on your radar, taking a look at entrance requirements will help you understand what minimum requirements you should maintain for your child’s homeschool high school experience.
Many college admission requirements mirror state graduation requirements. More prestigious schools will expect more demanding high school courses than the bare minimum. For example, if your teen wants to be an engineer, than taking calculus in high school should be a goal. If, on the other hand, your teen wants to be a translator, than doubling up on foreign language courses is a better choice.
Keep in mind: If the military or trade school is in your child’s future, you will still need to provide documentation that certain courses, like Algebra 1, have been completed.
The chart below is a list of classes generally accepted by many colleges as a typical high school course of study.

Last modified on April 15, 2020