Defining Your Homeschool Philosophy
Families choose to homeschool for a variety of different reasons. Some parents want to give their children a greater academic challenge. Others wish to provide a more religious backbone to their children’s education. Still other families know that education can be something different than what their kids get in public school.
But what is that something different?

Having a Homeschool Philosophy forms the base of how you approach teaching your kids at home. A Homeschool Philosophy is the basic set of ideas that a family holds as their truth and belief about the purpose of education. Those ideas that you hold dear to your heart answer the question of “Why are we doing this?”
The following are some of the most widely held Homeschool Philosophies you’ll come across. Read through them. Think about them. Talk about the core ideas with people you trust.
Don’t feel like you have to pick a Homeschool Philosophy before you officially start homeschooling. In fact, my advice is to hold off. Instead, dabble in the different ideas. Little by little you’ll discover if a certain philosophy speaks to the vision you hold for how you want your homeschool to be that something different.
Types of Homeschool Philosophies (and matching curricula)
Last modified on April 14, 2020