A League of Their Own (1992 PG)
Content Area
2h 8min
Movie Story Line
The real-life exploits of the World War II era All-American Girls Baseball League.
Watch the Trailer

Teaching Idea #1

Baseball was only one of the professional areas where women filled in for men, who had gone off to fight in the war. Research Rosie the Riveter, as well as WWII WASPs, WACs, and WAVEs. What was the impact of women entering the workforce in large numbers during this time. Was the experience different for White versus African-American women?

Teaching Idea #2

Title IX was enacted in 1972, nearly 20 years after the end of the All American Girls Baseball League. Research what Title IX is and what impact it had on girls and women playing sports. What is the purpose of Title IX? Which women were involved in the passage of Title IX? What professional women's sports exist today in the U.S. and how popular are they compared to their men's counterpart?