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Jaberwocky Sentences
Yes, this is a thing in the field of neurolinguistics and it studies language development and the use of correct grammar and syntax in deriving meaning from sentences. Read about it and then plot out the areas of the brain that are responsible for different types of receptive and expressive language processing.
Sleep Phenomena
Research the differences between somnambulism, sleep-talking, sleep paralysis, hypnagogic state, and hypnopompic state. How are these sleep phenomena different from dream states. Compare and contrast these sleep phenomena to hallucinations.
Dream Analysis
How has the study of dream analysis changed over time from Sigmund Freud to present-day dream interpretation? Describe the different theories that attempt to explain why people have dreams. What's your opinion: Can dreams reveal hidden truths within a person?
Migrain Headaches
Lewis Carroll suffered from migraines and it has been suggested that Alice in Wonderland is a product of his headache suffering. Read about Carroll's medical history, as well as the effects of migraines on cognition and see if you can find a connection.