Psychology Curriculum

|Tag: Psychology Curriculum

Clinical Psychology

By |2023-09-07T11:40:30-04:00April 17th, 2020|Categories: Psychology|Tags: , |

Teaching Psychological Disorders & Treatments With Movies Core Concepts to Cover: Classifying disorders: DSM-V Major categories of disorders: Anxiety, dissociative, mood, personality, schizophrenia Major approaches to psychotherapy: Psychoanalysis, behavioristic, humanistic, cognitive, group, pharmacological Evaluating therapeutic Read more...

Motivation, Emotion, and Personality

By |2023-09-07T11:51:23-04:00April 17th, 2020|Categories: Psychology|Tags: , |

Teaching Motivation, Emotions and Personality With Movies Core Concepts to Cover: Motivational concepts: Maslow's hierarchy of needs, instincts, drives, optimal arousal Hunger and Eating disorders Achievement: Self-determination, intrinsic & extrinsic motivators Physiology of emotions Expression of Read more...


By |2023-09-07T12:22:15-04:00April 17th, 2020|Categories: Psychology|Tags: , |

Teaching Psychology of Learning With Movies Core Concepts to Cover: Classical conditioning: Pavlov, Watson, stimuli and responses, Operant conditioning: Thorndike, Skinner, reinforcements and punishment Cognitive-Social Learning: Kohler, Tolman, Bandura Aggression and avoidance behaviors Learned helplessness Biofeedback Read more...