WISC-V: Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children, 5th edition

The Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children, 5th Edition is an ability test that measure a child’s intelligence. The WISC-V score sheet provides a Full Scale IQ, as well as a series of Index Scores. Together, this information helps to measure overall intellectual ability, as well as specific cognitive domains that have been identified as contributing to academic performance. Read more to find out about the WISC-V subtests.

Year Published:



Time to Adminster: 



6:0 – 16:11 years old

up to 90 minutes

Verbal Comprehension Index (VCI)
Composed of the Similarities and Vocabulary subtests.

No reading is required for any of the VCI subtests, however children must be able to hear the questions and express their thoughts into oral answers. Children with high VCI scores have acquired a substantial vocabulary, which they can recall, reason with, and apply that knowledge to new ideas.

Visual Spatial Index (VSI)
Composed of the Block Design and Visual Puzzle subtests.

The VSI subtests require children to be able to look at abstract visual pictures and figure out how the individual parts fit into a bigger picture. Children with high VSI scores are usually attentive to visual details, can mentally rotate images, and excel at visual spatial reasoning.

Fluid Reasoning Index (FRI)
Composed of the Matrix Reasoning and Figure Weights subtests.

Using neither motor skills (other than pointing) nor oral language, the 2 primary FRI subtests measure how well a child can find relationships between visual images. Additionally, kids are measured by how well they can figure out a rule shown in an image and then apply it to another scenario. Children with high FRI scores are generally good at inductive reasoning and good at working more than one task out at a time.

Working Memory Index (WMI)
Composed of the Digit Span and Picture Span subtests.

Tapping into both visual and auditory short-term memory, WMI subtests assess how well a child can identify, immediately retain, and then use small chunks of information. Children with high WMI scores tend to have good concentration and attention spans.

Processing Speed Index (PSI)
Composed of the Coding and Symbol Search subtests.

Other than some updated test items, PSI subtests are essentially the same from what was used on the WISC-IV. Children are tested to see how fast and accurate they can visually identify information and then make a decision about that information. Children with high PSI scores have excellent visual-motor skills, visual discrimination ability, and concentration skills.

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